My Body My Choice: Health promotion for young women, by young women — ASN Events

My Body My Choice: Health promotion for young women, by young women (#78)

Bianca Blackmore 1 , Charlotte Dirou 1
  1. Women's Health and Equality Queensland, Stones Corner, QLD, Australia

Young women are one of the most at-risk populations in Australia today. Gender inequality has seen this demographic suffering from some of the highest rates of violence, poor health, and mental health issues in recent years, with the rates continuing to rise. The ages between 12-24 are identified as a vulnerable time for young women which can result in lifelong health risks, Women's Health and Equality Queensland have over 40 years of expertise in improving health outcomes for Queensland women. To ensure that young women and gender diverse people have agency over their bodies and their health, as well as the knowledge, skills, and resources that will allow them to thrive in adult life, Women's Health and Equality have used a co-design approach to create a program for young women, by young women. This program focusses on 4 key areas:

1. Navigating women's health

2. Mental wellbeing

3. Body image and the media

4. Sex, consent and relationships

Women's Health and Equality Queensland will share their approach, key data points, and most importantly, what young women have told them is the knowledge that they most need.
