Emma Iwinska is the CEO of Women’s Health and Equality Queensland, a not-for-profit organisation leading the way in gender equity and women’s health in Queensland. Emma is the President of Ending Violence Against Women Queensland, a peak body which brings together the women’s health, refuge, domestic and sexual violence sectors. Nationally, Emma is a member of the Australian Women’s Health Network Board. Emma has two decades of health management expertise and a decade of experience teaching in higher education. Emma holds formal qualifications both in health and in education and embraces a philosophy of lifelong learning.
Emma’s work focusses on improving health outcomes and health equity for women in Queensland, and creating the structural and social change needed to stop men perpetrating gendered violence. Emma works to create communities built upon equity, respect, the celebration of diversity and the recognition that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the custodians and knowledge holders of the lands, seas, and skies where we all live, work and play.
Emma loves working collaboratively and listening to the experts in women’s lives – women!