Results from the Queensland Women and Girls’ Health Strategy 2032 consultation survey — ASN Events

Results from the Queensland Women and Girls’ Health Strategy 2032 consultation survey (#16)

Lisa M Daly 1 , Belinda Lewis 1 , Shellee Valentine 1 , Isabelle Curley 1 , Claire Nield 1 , Chloe Prudden 1 , Jonathon Humphries 1
  1. Queensland Government, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Queensland Government launched the Queensland Women and Girls’ Health Strategy 2032 (Strategy) and Investment Plan in March 2024, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to improve the health and wellbeing of women and girls over the life course. The Strategy was shaped by an evidence review of key health issues and outcomes experienced by Queensland women and girls, and an extensive engagement process involving consumers, clinicians, researchers, non-government organisations, peak bodies, industry representatives and Government partners.  

Stakeholder consultation methods included an online public survey available for response between Sept-Oct 2023. Queenslanders were invited to designate priority health issues and identify barriers and enablers for health care access. This survey yielded the largest response ever to a Queensland Government survey, with 10,392 responses. 

Among total respondents, 5,590 respondents (54 per cent) reported that they had ever felt dismissed, discriminated against or not believed by a health care professional because of their gender. Of 1,893 survey respondents who reported experiences of violence or abuse, 70 per cent reported they had felt dismissed by a health care professional, compared to 50 per cent of respondents who did not report experiences of violence or abuse. Eighty-two per cent of respondents who reported experiences of violence or abuse also identified mental health and wellbeing as a priority health issue.  

Results from the public survey and other stakeholder engagements informed the Strategy goal of equitable and enhanced access to sensitive, trauma-informed and culturally safe health care for all Queensland women and girls. Specific Strategy initiatives funded to improve system service responses and experiences include targeted clinician education; enhanced additional virtual, telephone and peer support pathways to care; new community-based health facilities for women and girls; consumer education and support; and additional workforce based in DFV support services. 
