Poster Listing: Preconception, pregnancy, postpartum and intrapartum health of women and babies — ASN Events

Newborn hepatitis B vaccine and vitamin K prophylaxis uptakes, Queensland, 2004 to 2022 (#52)

5:00 PM
Anne Maree Baldwin

Where is the woman's voice when assessing midwifery students' competency to provide woman-centred care? (#53)

5:00 PM
Rita Ball

Thyroid antibody positivity is associated with perturbed fertility, altered placental morphology, and impaired maternal and fetal health in a rodent model of Autoimmune Thyroiditis (#54)

5:00 PM
Rebecca Brady

Measuring Severe Acute Maternal Morbidity in QLD Hospitals (#56)

5:00 PM
Joanne Frost

The effects of a submaximal graded exercise test on mean arterial pressure in pregnancy: A cross-sectional analysis (#57)

5:00 PM
Courtney Giles

The distribution of dietary choline intake and serum choline levels in Australian women during pregnancy and associated early life factors (#58)

5:00 PM
Lada LH Holland

Five-minute Apgar score and risk of neonatal mortality, severe neurological morbidity, and severe non-neurological morbidity in term infants – An Australian population-based cohort study (#59)

5:00 PM
Jesrine Hong

Exploring birth trauma and health outcomes of women in the early postnatal period (#60)

5:00 PM
Julie Jomeen

Health -related quality of life and utility of maternity health states amongst post-partum Australians   (#61)

5:00 PM
Elizabeth Martin

Experiences of women in Queensland who were told their ‘baby was too big’ during pregnancy (#62)

5:00 PM
Yvette D Miller

"You feel you have to prove that you are a good enough kind of mother": Thematic analysis of women's lived experiences of shame, compassion, and perinatal well-being (#63)

5:00 PM
Sophie O'Brien

Exercise throughout pregnancy in active individuals: a retrospective analysis (#64)

5:00 PM
Kate Oxnard

"It's so much more than feeding": A qualitative study of postpartum women's experiences of breastfeeding (#65)

5:00 PM
Emma Shipton

The effects of maternal hyperglycaemia during pregnancy on one-carbon metabolism (#66)

5:00 PM
Dayna A Zimmerman