Newborn hepatitis B vaccine and vitamin K prophylaxis uptakes, Queensland, 2004 to 2022 — ASN Events

Newborn hepatitis B vaccine and vitamin K prophylaxis uptakes, Queensland, 2004 to 2022 (#52)

Anne Maree Baldwin 1 2
  1. University of Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, Queensland
  2. Queensland Health, Maroochydore, Q, Australia


Since 1994, vitamin K, preferably intramuscularly or otherwise orally, has been recommended for newborns in Australia to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding. Since 1996, a hepatitis B vaccine birth dose has been recommended. This year, Queensland implemented an infant respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunisation program, including birth dose offerings. This analysis aims to describe uptakes of vitamin K first dose and hepatitis B birth dose, to inform interventions for both programs and expectations for infant RSV programs.


Aggregate numbers and percentages of newborns by vitamin K and hepatitis B uptake were obtained from Queensland’s Perinatal Statistics Collection (PSC) by: birth year; local hospital network of birth (or private/unknown); and mother’s ten-year age group, First Nations status, country of birth (Australia; other) and number of antenatal visits. Uptakes were descriptively analysed. The Public Health Act 2005 provides for release of non-identifiable PSC information.


Between 50,910(2004) and 63,824(2014) births were recorded each year. Vitamin K uptake was maintained in Queensland between 97.8% and 98.2% from 2004 to 2015, after which uptake generally decreased, to 96.7% in 2022. Between 0.9%(2004 and 2005) and 1.6%(2006) of newborns were recorded as receiving vitamin K orally. Hepatitis B birth dose uptake was 90.0% or higher from 2004 to 2009, above 89.0% from 2010 to 2017, decreasing to 88.0% in 2022. For both, uptakes were generally higher for newborns identified as First Nations, and for newborns whose mothers had more antenatal visits or were younger. Uptakes varied substantially by geographical area.


Uptakes for birth vitamin K prophylaxis and hepatitis B vaccine have been high, with vitamin K uptakes higher even when only the intramuscular administration route is considered. Relatively small but important declines in both in recent years warrant attention. These results may inform infant RSV immunisation program birth dose uptake expectations.
